Welcome to the School District of Turtle Lake and the Turtle Lake Elementary School! Turtle Lake Elementary is a great small town school who takes great pride in student learning, professional development for teachers and staff, and community outreach. I am extremely proud of the efforts our teachers and students put in each day striving to do what is best for all students. We pride ourselves on following best practices and research-based interventions for academics and behaviors so our students continue to grow socially, emotionally, and cognitively.
I look to forward working with the students, parents, staff, and community members of Turtle Lake in a positive and collaborative way. I am excited to continue doing what is best for your child and making their educational experience at Turtle Lake successful! If you ever have any questions or would like more information about having your child attend school in Turtle Lake, feel free to call me at 715-986-4470 or e-mail at twagner@turtlelake.k12.wi.us.
Go Lakers! #lakerpride
Troy Wagner, Elementary Principal

It is the intent of the Turtle Lake School District that the information on our website be accessible to individuals with disabilities in compliance with the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 along with accompanying statutory regulations. If you are having difficulty accessing information on our website due to a disability, please contact us at kkindschy@turtlelake.k12.wi.us and provide the URL (web address) of the material you tried to access, the problem you experienced, and your contact information, including name, email address and phone number so that we may accommodate your needs. Grievances related to Section 504, Title II or other formal grievances can be filed with the District using the procedures established by School Board Policy 2260.01 or the Public Complaint process outlined in School Board Policy 9130. For more information about the process, please contact Kent Kindschy at 715-986-4470.