What is a Virtual Charter School?
A Virtual Charter School is a public school created on the basis of a contract or charter between the school and the local school board.
Some or all of the instruction is provided through the means of the Internet.
The curriculum is personalized to the student’s needs but must meet the State of Wisconsin’s standards for academics. The Virtual Charter School provides support and mentoring throughout a student’s school years serving as a “home-based” education to reach each student’s needs.
Laker Online uses fueleducation, Wisconsin Virtual School and K12 curriculum. You can browse the curriculum on these websites and then contact the district office if you are interested in enrolling in Laker Online.
Not a Turtle Lake School District resident? We do accept open enrollment at any time throughout the year. Call the district office at 715-986-4470 to discuss your options.
How does it work?
Students enroll in the Virtual Charter School by a school or home visit.
Parents and students meet with an advisor to plan courses and timeline. (Personalized Learning Plan)
School purchases curriculum and a laptop for student use.
Certified teachers monitor program of instruction and provide support.
Weekly check-ups and quarterly conferences with advisor.
All students must take state assessments as required for the grade level.
Teacher assigns grades at the end of the semester.
All materials are returned to the school at the end of the school year.
Multiple curriculum offerings are available in cooperation with the parents to help design each student’s personalized learning plan.
Virtual Charter schools are publicly funded; therefore, the school cannot purchase religious content. Parents may teach this material.
Advanced Placement (AP) courses are available for high school students. Middle school students can take online high school courses.
Student assessments and experience will be used to determine grade level ability.
A student who has an IEP or a 504 plan may attend the charter school.
Why Choose TL Virtual Charter School?
Turtle Lake School recognizes that students learn in different styles.
The Virtual Charter School can provide students the opportunity to learn at home and still participate in school activities such as athletics, drama, forensics, field trips, music etc.
Students of the Virtual Charter School are eligible for extra-curricular activities. (WIAA rules apply)
Middle School Activities
Forensics, Wrestling, Cheer, Trap, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Field, Booster Club Sports, Choir, Band, Dances
High School Activities
Forensics, Drama, Band, Choir, Cheer, FFA, Football, Volleyball, Basketball Track and Field, Wrestling, Cross Country, Trap, Cheer, Baseball and Softball.
The Turtle Lake School Board and administration are excited to offer this opportunity to students in our area.
We want to know if you are interested in enrolling next year.
Please contact Kent Kindschy if you are interested or have questions.
We would love to hear from you.
If you have questions, comments, or concerns please contact the Superintendent.
Kent M. Kindschy
715-986-4470 ext. 2012
Local Education Guide
Julie Korish
Online School Board
Lyn Leopold- lleopold@turtlelake.k12.wi.us
Tricia Smith - tricia_l_smith@yahoo.com
Heidi Geiger - heidigeiger@msn.com